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2024 YTD Calls 63
Total Calls 2023 180
TOTAL CALLS 2022 116
Total Calls 2021 108
Total Calls 2020 110
Total Calls 2019 126
Total Calls 2018 121
Total Calls 2017 101

Contact Us

Emergency: Dial 911

Chestertown Fire Dept.
5885 State Route 8
Chestertown, NY 12817

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 382
Chestertown, NY 12817
phone: (518) 494-2662
fax:  (518) 494-5227

The Secretary of the Fire Company can be reached at: (518) 926-8164 or

**Please Note: The Chestertown Fire Department and the Chestertown Fire District are two different entities. The Fire District Secretary/Treasurer can be reached at (518) 494-2662 or via email to

District Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 381
Chestertown, NY 12817